Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kaluza-Klein forsee the existence of new dimensions for different ...

Mathematicians Theodor Kaluza (1919) and Oskar Klein (1926) proposed a theory that assumes the existence of higher-dimensional space (to the three known XYZ) wound on these at very small scales (Planck size). These would be circular dimensions new and independent directions. As if we look a hose from a distance seem to have only two dimensions, but, as we approach, we see it has another that forms its outer surface.

For our scale, these dimensions do not affect us, and they cannot be appreciated. But for hypothetical residents within this size so small, they would take all their meaning and prominence.

Might we ask whether the form of 4D space-time of our universe (4D M?bius Toro or 4D Klein bottle) would be just like these other dimensions of Kaluza-Klein rolled but for large dimensions (4D Loop System closed)? ...So if we go out of Our Universe, certain dimensions that we detect inside, would cease to have effect (?).

May we assert that the dimensions are different for different spatial scales of reference in which we find ourselves?

Source: http://cosmoquest.org/forum/showthread.php/139385-Kaluza-Klein-forsee-the-existence-of-new-dimensions-for-different-spatial-scales

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